Sunday, November 16, 2008

Production Report for the Day 4 and reschduled day 5

We continued to film for Day 4 and Day 5, 12 and 15 November respectivly.

This past week has been a great filming week. Crew members reported on time, Siti was ill to join us. This week was to record interviews and finish up the filming of the storyboard.

For Wednesday, we focused alot on the interviews and we got to do a shot of the Point of View (POV) of the rider. Jason had the chance to ride on Mistof. The horse that he got charmed by. It was a good experience for him. We also interviewed Sally Drumond and Rosemary and Eugene Lim. All of it was done in the morning. We then got the chance to interview one of the volunteers when i was quite young and also one of the parents of the RDA. That one was done the very late afternoons as the volunteers were on a course during that day. Though the wait was long, it was worth the parents' repsonse during the interview. A was a good day. For the whole week, Jason and Aim switch places. Jas did the sound and Aim did the framing. Good combo, more efficient.

We had another great day on Saturday. Crew again was on time. Siti could not make it in the morning, but came at 2.40pm.

Jason then did the job of drawing on the wall. He also did the panning work for the reflection walk scene. All volunteers and parents, riders were all very co-operative with us. Really long, but so worth it. They were also very understanding and patient with us. We also interviewed the volunteers and instructors as well. The volunteers for the morning were in a little rush. But they accomadated well. The after crowd were really nice to work with as they would like to thank the RDA's help in their child's progress.

The concern for this week: Nothing on production side, just concern from the parent. He just does not want his kid to be shown in any form nagative. Something that I can understand. Explained to him our objectives and also understood his concern. So Jason helped us to explain to the father about the storyboard.

Another challenge that we face now is the editing of the interviews....which is the next face.

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